Men's Quest Jersey
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We’re on a mission to help change the course of climate change. We strive to be mindful in everything we do, even if it’s as simple as composting an apple core. But in order to really make an impact it’s important to think bigger.
Our sustainability mile markers—each inspired by the idea that what we make can actually help people live more sustainably. These goals, and how we plan to achievethem, are outlined below:
90% of products from sustainable materials by 2022
We set this goal in 2018. At the time 3% of our line met the sustainable product criteria that we use today, which is a minimum of 50% recycled, renewable, or organic material. As of the summer of 2021, about 40% of our products meet or exceed this standard. And every season we’re getting closer to the target. This matters because our greatest opportunity to decrease our impact is in how we make our products. As we move towards more sustainable design, we refuse to compromise on performance and durability. All of our products carry a lifetime warranty, and include free in-house repairs.
Eliminate single use plastic and virgin forest fibers from our packaging by 2025
Packaging is important; it protects the product through the distribution and shipping process and keeps our gear pristine until it gets to you. But once this job is done packaging becomes waste, which nobody feels good about. So, our team is working hard to minimize how much we use and implement only the most sustainable packaging solutions. We’ve made some significant progress already:
We’re working hard to find a sustainable alternative to replace plastic altogether. In the meantime, all of our products are shipped in polybags, a fully recycled (and recyclable) bag that we’ve been using since 2018. And in an effort to reduce overall packing materials, we’ve adopted a roll-and-tie method for packing apparel so that what arrives at your door is the smallest package we can send, using less plastic, but also less fuel during shipping.
We printed our last paper catalogue in 2017 and since then, our sales team have been equipped with a digital platform to introduce products to our retail partners. This saves paper, oil, and water use every season.
Reach Net Positive as a business by 2025
Carbon Neutrality. It’s what we all want. We are striving to reach this benchmark, and with it the freedom to carry on with our lives without negatively impacting our future. Until we reach this goal, we're dealing with the reality that our daily activities do create emissions by putting our energy into strategies to reduce our impact.
To reduce our impact, we are committed to using less oil in how we do business and we are well on the way to making 90% of our products with sustainable materials by 2022. But there is only so much you can save, we need to change the way we live. In thinking about how we can inspire and empower more people, using bikes for everyday mobility is the obvious answer. Taken a step further, if we use our expertise and passion to help more people use their bikes to get around, could our company actually be net positive for the climate? We think so. In fact, we’ve set a target to be net positive by 2025.
Part of the solution to living more sustainably can be to do more of what we love. Not only do bikes make us feel great, they’re also the most efficient form of transportation on the planet. We’ve shifted our apparel offerings beyond pure performance and we are focusing our advocacy efforts on improving access to bikes and cycling infrastructure. If we can inspire enough people to go by bike instead of by car, we can truly have a positive impact on the climate.
Carbon Neutral Headquarters by 2025
Based in Louisville, CO, our award-winning office building is already energy efficient, but we think we can do better. Our first goal is to cut our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2022. By 2025, we will derive 100% of our electricity from renewable sources while purchasing carbon offsets to counter our natural gas use.